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Savor Flower Pagoda

Flower Pagoda
(Clerodendrum japonicum [Thunb.] Sweet)
C. kaempferi (Jacq.) Sleb., C. L. paniculatum, Volkameria japonica Thunb.
Generally, pagoda flowers planted in the garden, yard, or on the street outside the city areas as ornamental plants. Molt Shrubs, 1-3 m high The stem is filled with fine hair. Leaves single,, park facing. Leaf blade broadly ovate-shaped, base heart-shaped leaves, old leaves bercangap menjari, can reach 30 cm in length. The flowers are red compound interest, consist of small flowers are gathered to form a pyramid, out of the end of the stalk. The fruit is round. Pagoda flower can be propagated by seed.
Local Name:
Bali DISTRICT NAME: senggugu, spears king. NAME OF FOREIGN He hua bao (C), pagoda flower (I). NAME crude drug Radix Clerodendri japonici (pagoda flower root), Clerodendri japonici floss (pagoda flower).
Curable Disease:
FEATURES AND BENEFITS The root of the bitter taste, its cool.Pagoda flower root efficacious anti-inflammatory, laxative urine (diuretic), eliminating swelling, and destroy the frozen blood. Leaves taste sweet, sour, slightly brown, neutral in character. Leaves efficacious as anti-inflammatory and remove pus. Flowers sweet, warm nature, efficacious sedative, and stop the bleeding (hemostatis).
Parts used are the roots, flowers, and leaves. For storage, the roots must be dried.
-The roots are used for treatment:
-Back pain (lumbago), rheumatic pain,
-Pulmonary tuberculosis (pulmonary TB), accompanied coughing up blood,
-Hemorrhoids bleeding (hemorrhoids), dysentery (dysentery),
-Difficulty sleeping (insomnia), and
-Swollen (bruise) due to hit something hard.
Flowers are used for treatment:
Blood-enhancer in patients with anemia,
Bleeding-hemorrhoids, and
-Difficulty sleeping (insomnia).
For drugs taken, boiled 30-90 g of roots or flowers. In addition, it is, the roots also can be used as powder, and brewed and drunk.
For external use only, minced fresh leaves until soft, then Dab on boils, sores, and bruises.In addition, the fresh leaves can be squeezed and feelings of water applied to the wounds bleed.
Bleeding hemorrhoids
Cook 60 g root or flower pagoda with cow intestine. Once cool, the liquid drunk and cow intestines can be eaten.
Dry the flowers or roots of the pagoda to taste, then milled to become powder. Take one teaspoon of powdered earlier, and then enter into a shot glass of wine sweet. Stir well, then drink all at once at night before bed.
Ulcer, ulceration
Wash fresh petals pagoda to taste, then milled until smooth. Add a little honey, stirring evenly. Put these ingredients in place of the sick, and dressing. Replace this mixture three times daily.

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